Friday, May 18, 2012

My Coming of Age Book

My coming of age book is Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson. This book is just, so amazing so far. Melinda, the protagonist in this story is unlike any other character I have read before. The whole book is unraveling this somewhat mystery of what happened at a party over the summer. It's her first year in high school and everyone hates her for something she did at that party. Melinda only has one friend, and it is a girl tat just moved to Melinda's town and has no idea why everyone else hates her. Melinda is very quite, and I can see why this book is called speak, because all Melinda has to do is speak so people can actually understand her. She usually keeps to herself, her head is like an entire commentary on life. It's kinda sad how Melinda lives, she goes to school then goes home, without ever telling anyone how she actually feels. Melinda is breaking inside and nobody even knows it. Hopefully by the end of the book, just at least one person knows how Melinda actually feels.