Thursday, April 12, 2012

Test Prep #1

I really admire Guadalupe's blog entry on the book series. I admire it because she really put her opinion in it. She really let the reader understand what she thought about all of the books. I also liked Gabriela P.'s entry on the play Much Ado about Nothing.First off her title of the entry is very unique,it seems she put alot of effort in it. I really like how she gave many examples on the play was good to her, also how she wrote how the lighting made her
feelings change during the play. Those are the two blogpost that I admired the most.

I do think I really need to improve my blog and posts. I need to put more thought in the creativity of my titles as Gaby did in her entry. I also need to show the reader how I really feel on whatever I'm writing about as Guadalupe did in her entry. My blog post need to be larger when in comes to the amount of writing in it. I will now try harder to improve on my blog posts.

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